Have you ever been told that video games are for kids? I have many times and so I did a little research and look what I found out. I did a search on who plays video games and was directed to the ESA. A few facts are Sixty-nine percent of American heads of households play computer and video games. Ninety-three percent of people who make the actual purchase of computer games and 83% of people who make the actual purchase of video games are 18 years of age or older. The average age of the game buyer is 40 years old. Adult gamers have been playing an average of 12 years. Among most frequent gamers, adult males average 10 years for game playing, females for 8 years. Fifty-three percent of game players expect to be playing as much or more ten years from now than they do today. The computer gamers are thirty percent of most frequent game players are under eighteen years old. Twenty-six percent of most frequent game players are between 18 and 35 years old. Forty-four percent of most frequent game players are over 35 years old. The console gamers are forty percent of most frequent game players are under eighteen years old. Thirty-five percent of most frequent game players are between 18 and 35 years old. Twenty-five percent of most frequent game players are over 35 years old. So next time someone tells you that video games are for kids give them some these facts. Also tell them there is big money involved with video games. Gaming is now major league.